Huge increase of the prices

Huge increase of the prices

Urgent to place the orders Due to the situation that is known by all, the price of the energy, petrol, and gas, had a huge increasing affecting all the industrial sectors. Mysupplier and our factories, have been buying all the raw materials most used in order to...
The economy post-pandemic

The economy post-pandemic

It seems that the virus is losing the war (or at least, is more controlled) and now it’s time to recover the economy too much affected, due to the successive block downs. In our case only the shoe factories were affected, the clothing factories have increased...
The pandemic and its impact on the factories

The pandemic and its impact on the factories

The second wave With the second wave, even more severe than the first, most of the factories are experienced several difficulties due to, not infections of its own employees, but due to somebody inside their family or friends, that tested positive and they had to do...
Vacations in August!

Vacations in August!

Urgent to place the orders From the 3rd of August to the 28th, practically all our factories will be on vacation. All the customers that want to receive the winter collection before this period need to place the orders urgently. We also inform that September is always...
Status of the Covid-19 inside our network

Status of the Covid-19 inside our network

We still are able to produce Knit clothing, socks, and home textiles Due to the increment of suspected cases, we have part of our factories on vacations or in quarantine for an indeterminate time, the factories are:- All the shoe producers;- All the shirts and blouses...