Spain continues to be our best buyer, Sweden in second and Netherlands is now the third.
Customers origin
- Africa 1%
- America 22%
- Asia 3%
- Australia 2%
- Europa 75%
Top 5 countries (€)
- Germany 12%
- Nederlands 15%
- Sapin 38%
- Sweden 40%
- USA 8%
Top 5 products (€)
- Shirts and Blouses 4%
- Shoes 35%
- Socks 35%
- T-shirts and Sweaters 23%
- Underwear 3%
Top 5 searches
- Socks 51%
- Shoes 21%
- Shirts and Blouses 3%
- T-shirts and Sweaters 20%
- Underwear 5%